As I think about what to write about this week, I look upon the three most important people in my lives. They all look to me to make sure that the house is taken care of, that the daily routine is not too much out of whack, that the clothes that they are wearing are clean (partially at least) that the bills are paid (mostly on time) and that food that they eat is warm when it needs to be or cold when it supposed to be. But then I look at them and try to figure out what I am supposed to really be.
Sitting in the room listening to "tunes" I did when I was "young" makes the think what I have NOT become. I have not become the English teacher that I started go to school to be, I am not the Paralegal that I also started to go to school for. I am not the girl who traveled the world then settled in some far off city. I am not the girl who went away to school and found love far from home. I am not the girl who became a famous singer, the girl who was a back up singer for Madonna, I am not the girl who is a size 2 or 6 feet tall.
Instead I have become the girl who fell in love with a great guy, close to home, traveled here and there, works for a great company working with numbers not letters (still basics right?) Bought a house close to "home" Became a mommy of 2 great girls and I can sing great at church with the best of them. Still working on the size 2 might be more like a 10 when I am done with it, but oh well. And can come really close to 6 feet with 4 inch heals!
When the day is done there is no one I would rather be, NOT ME.... I mean I love me!
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