Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From time to time

From time to time I find myself taking a step back and looking at what we have. Granted we don't have the new house like my brother-in-law has, and not the house with the lake like my father-in-law has, but what I do have is a house that is our home. It is ours (well almost ours) and it is HOME.
There has been may tears that have brought us to this point, not just mine! We have toiled along the way to make it what it is.
We have two great kids. Who are so goofy at times it makes me wonder where they get it from. They are our little princesses and our football players all in one! And God knows we love them to their pretty like pink toeys!
I look at what we have accomplished in the ten years of marriage and I have to say it has been a lot!
From time to time I just have to say it out loud so it stays fresh in my mind!